Busy news week

There’s been a whole lot of news coming out of Rochester in the last couple of weeks. But I’ve enjoyed working on this mix of news ranging from a mysterious plane crash that killed two local luminaries, the death of a police officer and multiple angles coming from the Bills football team (a new owner, Kelly’s cancer in remission and opening season).

I’ve been very proud of the work coming from both the studio and the newsroom. The hustle has been exciting.ROCBrd_DandC_2_09-14-2014_0_News-Cov_B_A_001_4_234854.ps


Breaking news

On a normal day just one of these two stories would have kept us plenty busy. However this past Friday, on a day we were already planning continuing coverage of a police officers tragic death in Rochester, we also got word that the mysterious, unmanned flight that crossed over Cuba and ultimately crashed near Jamaica originated in Rochester. We would later learn the occupants were a couple of local Rochester visionaries that had been integral in the revitalization of that city.

So it was in the later hours of that Friday that both these weekend pages were born. Are there things that I would change or tweak and improve? Sure, of course. But considering the what we were up against I think these pages turned out pretty well.

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